Montgomery Welcomes Amal
in Collaboration with artist Chintia Kirana on October 13 at 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm at Five Points Cottage HIll
Pre- Events Schedule:
Sept. 23 Gifts for Amal (Art Making)
Oct. 12 Simple As Water (Film Screening)
Fragment of Beings
Journey Towards Unity
I've been contemplating the weight of what we carry and what's left behind when we're forced to leave our familiar surroundings. When I left my country at the age of twelve, I could only carry one small suitcase. I couldn't take any of my books, trinkets, or my collection of stickers–objects that represent my childhood. The essentials are all we must carry to survive, even though, at times, those objects left behind are essential to the core of who we are–our identity. The need to collect objects to materialize time has become an underlying process in my practice. Objects that initially seemed mundane eventually became healing tokens - aids in coping with the losses of my childhood, losses of friends, family, language, culture, and traditions.
Reflecting on this, I recognized the universality of loss and displacement. Regardless if one's a refugee or someone who's experienced significant life changes - the experiences of displacement, migration, loss, and transformation are deeply personal yet universally relatable. In my work, the eggshell is a symbol of self, fragile yet resilient, a vessel open with potential and possibilities, fragmented yet able to be whole again.
"Fragments of Being" —a universal narrative of loss and reconciliation, displacement and belonging, encapsulated within the symbolic act of filling a broken shell and piecing it back to make it whole again. While we may leave parts of ourselves behind during transition and change, we also gain new experiences and perspectives that add to our identity. The eggshell serves as a metaphor for this dynamic, symbolizing our sense of self that may feel broken and empty during transition periods but can be filled with new experiences and a sense of belonging over time. This piece is also a call to recognize and embrace 'otherness' - the differences (fragments) among us that make us unique and connect us on a fundamental level. Through collective action and shared experiences, we are reminded that we are part of our community's larger, interwoven social fabric.
I am thrilled to work with Amal Team and the community to bring forth empathy and unity. --Chintia.
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